
Friday, September 14, 2012

Book Review: Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow

I was sent a free copy of "Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow," in exchange for an honest review. This is a book for people surviving miscarriage and infant loss. it is a faith-based book that can act almost as a workbook to get them through what I would think would be the worst time in their lives.

I think this book was really well done. It is written by a survivor and has ample quotes from other survivors.

It takes the reader through the stages of coming to terms with this horrible loss through faith. At the end of each section there are things for them to journal about. I have seen journaling used in other recovery situations, and I think it is a great tool.

To be honest, I would not have picked this book up on my own because I would not have THOUGHT that I could not relate. I have five kids and am raising a grandchild and have - very thankfully - not experienced this kind of loss.

But, guess what? This book still had a lot of meaning for me. In addition to letting me empathize with other women, it really made me appreciate what I have. At this stage in my life, I am getting up in the middle of the night to feed my infant grandson, and I am tired, and he spits up on me - a lot. Reading this book made me cherish and appreciate him and my own kids even more than I already was - spit up and all...

I am going to hang onto my copy of this book, and when I run across a woman who is going through the trauma of infant loss or miscarriage, I will be able to give it to her as a really useful gift. I would recommend this book for anyone who, sadly, finds themselves in this situation.

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