
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday - Southeast Asian Edition!

I am reading a book called "Flesh" by Khanh Ha. FTC disclosure: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review of it. I will publish the full review on June 18, 2012.

I am not too far into the book yet, but I am far enough in to know that it is set in north Vietnam at the turn of the 20th century (actually it also says that on the dust jacket!)

So, in the book the people that we read about are called Annamese. Why are they not called Vietnamese? Also, I am wondering whether Annamese has anything to do with animal worship(?)

It took a little while to get information because I found out that an Annamese is someone from Annam, and THEN I was able to get the following definition of Annam from Wiki:

"Annam (Vietnamese: An Nam) was a French protectorate encompassing the central region of Vietnam. Vietnamese were subsequently referred to as "Annamites." Nationalist writers adopted the word "Vietnam" in the late 1920s. The general public embraced the word "Vietnam" during the revolution of August 1945. Since that time, the word "Annam" has been regarded as demeaning."

The word is now demeaning, but this is a period piece.

I had not realized that the name 'Vietnam' came on the scene so late in history.

I have prepared this post as part of Wondrous Words Wednesday, a meme hosted by where we discuss 'new to us' words that we come across in our reading.


  1. Interesting! I've never heard of Annam. Geography changes so quickly, it's hard to keep up.

    1. I know! This book is fascinating in that regard...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jackie and Jake. From the map it looks as though outsiders may have called the whole area "Siam." (?)

  3. Gollee, thanks for explaining the origin of this word. It's very interesting. Glad I stopped by.

    1. That is so nice of you, Tea. :) I am enjoying learning this too!

  4. Very interesting Libby. I lived (as an adult) during our presence in Vietnam, when the country was on the news every day for years. Somehow I missed all of the history you dug up.

    1. I think many of us missed the history. But, it is fascinating! Will share when I learn more!

  5. The book sounds like an interesting read, great word.

    1. Thanks, TBMama! So far, the book is pretty good!

  6. I will look out for your review as it would be interesting to read something set in Vietnam.

    1. Thanks - I am excited the book is set in Vietnam - I do not know enough about that part of the world...

  7. I hadn't heard of Annam before either. It's not surprising that they changed the name to get rid of colonial associations.

    1. Good point, Louise. I think they do that a lot of places. For example, cities in India, with Bombay becoming Mumbai, etc.

  8. Sounds like a great book. I love books with a strong setting, and it sounds like this fits the bill!
