
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sykosa - FREE! (For now...)

Below is a review of the YA novel, Sykosa, that I did a couple months ago. I am bringing it back today because for two days only - today and tomorrow - Sykosa (Kindle) is FREE. Yep - FREE! Nothing to buy - you don't have to follow my blog...although you certainly CAN ;)

Click here for your free Sykosa!!



I start reading Sykosa, and at first, I just think its this nice little book about this nice little Japanese-American girl sitting in class at this nice little school thinking about painting her fingernails. Seriously - that is how the book starts.

And, then... And, then author Justin Ordonez, starts dropping subtle hints that something is wrong. Something happened to Sykosa - but, what? This book really snuck up on me. Because during the time that I was reading it, I would find myself thinking about it when I was driving or doing other things. I would be mulling it over, trying to put the pieces together.

Puzzle Piece 1 (from page 11): " Last year. It’s hard to discuss, and like a lot of things that’re hard to discuss, it’s pretty much the root of every issue in her life."

Puzzle Piece 2 (from page 20): "...she thinks of all the scars that are on his right hand..."

Puzzle Piece 3 (from page 21): "...last year, she overheard a girl named Donna Harly crying about rape."

Ordonez masterfully drops just the right number of clues - enough to keep you hooked - but, not enough to let you figure out the mystery of what happened to Sykosa too soon! Meanwhile, he is also spinning a good coming-of-age story about a girl and her friends. Sex and drugs and family relationships are explored and explained in, what I think, is a really realistic manner. (However, this is NOT a book for minors.)

I liked this book! Once I got into it, it had depth and complicated characters, and that mysterious thread running through it.... What happened to Sykosa?!


  1. It says on the cover, Part 1. Does that mean a second book is coming out?

  2. Yep! I am bugging the author about it too! I hound him relentlessly :D

  3. Yes, there is a Part 2. But, Part I has a contained storyline as well as an arcing one. It's a good read! It's free so nothing to lose! Thanks so much Libby for your support! I means a lot to me!

  4. That's ok, Justin! Say 'Hi' to Sykosa for me ;)

  5. Thanks for the heads-up about this book! It sounds like a very interesting, deep, heart-wrenching read and I love those kinds of books :-)

    1. Hope you like it!!! If you get a chance, try to tell people because it's only free for one more day!

  6. Such an amazing review, Libby!! I LOVED the little puzzle pieces you revealed and I agree, I started out thinking Sykosa was a nice little book about a girl painting her nails as well. I can't wait for Part II either!! I need to know what happens o__o Amazing post, Libby. Thanks so much for following my blog. Following your awesome blog back <33

    1. Thanks, Ajoop! I still cannot even guess what happened Sophmore Year(?) Did a skylight fall on them because the kids who are no longer at the school RIGGED it to fall? (That is my guess right at the moment!)

      I'm going to keep pestering Justin O. on Twitter to hurry! He will prob end up having to block me on Twitter for stalking. LOL!

  7. Not likely! I'm dying for super-obsessed mega-fans. Don't let my feelings stop you from becoming unreasonably obsessed with Sykosa and forcing it upon the universe!
