
Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Full Nest

I hand wash the dishes because the dishwasher leaves a film on everything, which leads to the kids insisting that the glasses are dirty. So, its simpler to just wash them.

While I wash, I look out the big window over the sink at my green yard and lush hedges. I smile at two squirrels and a cardinal. But then, dammit, I see a European starling carrying a huge bit of yellow straw.

I don't even have to watch him to see where he is going. I already know that he is headed for Starling Heights, a new birds-only development on MY front porch. God, there are already about ten nests in the rafters. And, I can hear LOTS of cheeping babies. Why oh why is he taking more nesting material there? Isn't nest-building over? And, aren't the babies half grown?

I can't even use my porch, because the starlings get pissed if I hang out there. On the other hand, I am not some sadistic bird Nazi who is going to kill a bunch of babies and nesting mothers. So, my plan is just to wait until everyone flies the coop, so to speak, and then power wash all the nests down. And, then I will look on the internet and see how to discourage nest building next year.

Now, however, I am the one who is discouraged because this particular starling looks as though he is engaged in Nest Building Part Two. Do they even DO that?

I continue to indulge the kids by polishing each glass and ensuring it is spot-free before putting it away. I continue to indulge the starlings by avoiding my porch. I wonder if one day, I will miss all the cheeping?

This has been written for A Writer Weaves a Tale, Sandra's Writing Workshop Hop (Button at your right.) Our prompt: Write in the close first person point of view.


  1. That is a great essay! Love how you weave the bird babies and your baby birds together.

    1. Thank you very much! Appreciate you taking the time to comment :)

  2. Libby, love this! Such a great surprise really ...I think I've had my fill of blog posts about sweet little hatching chicks. I like surprises! LOL! This was great. And love the detail of your handwashing the glasses. Though that' makes you a saint mom....:)

    1. LOL! Not a saint - just I know that one day I will miss all the "cheeping!" ;)

  3. I do not like starlings either! Since you hand wash and polish all your glasses, I think I'd like to move into your nest. Will you adopt me? :) I eat like a bird . . .

    1. It would be SO fun to have you around that we would adopt you even if you ate like a BEAR - LOL!

  4. What an excellent post--I'm not fond of starlings either--we once had them up in our rafters--and when the babies flew the nest--we fixed the problem so they don't come back. Sigh. No. I do not miss the chirping ;) Cheers, Jenn.

    1. This is my first bird infestation - LOL! Thanks for coming by :)

  5. Yay, I finally got the Linky to work! Turns out Safari doesn't like Linky too much but Firefox does:) Anyway, glad you linked this up with the workshop, excellent first person example! What works so well is the close "I", but you don't lose the visual details – we're there with her in the kitchen. Often the trap writers fall into with the close first person is the sacrifice of those "telling" details for the spoken. You've struck a good balance here. So tweet or facebook our workshop to get more people. I want to stress that it's for anyone who wants to try their hand at fiction. Thanks!

  6. Beautiful!I'm reminded of my childhood days when we had a many nests in our porch and window sills.

    1. Thanks Laila! We had a robins nest next to the front porch when I was little. You could see the blue eggs inside!

  7. Beautifully done, you softie. I'm trying a new dishwashing detergent -- homemade -- and it leaves the glasses streaky. I put them in the cabinet and pretend not to notice.

    1. I am a pushover :/ This is know AdSense on my sidebar? It is showing an ad for an exterminator and one for Cascade for the dishwasher - LOL!

  8. Oh, you're a better mom than me! I would just yell, "It's clean, use it!" Love the details in your work and you kept me interested in what was going on!

    1. LOL! I am starting to think I may cater to the kids a TINY bit too much :) But, maybe one day I will miss all their cheeping! Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  9. "Maybe one day I will miss all their cheeping!"
    The things mothers do. I am just the same, for the same reason ...

  10. My best friend's parents hand wash their dishes and then run them through the dishwasher. I always thought that was funny. I tend to buy dishwasher's and never have them installed. I'm with your kids-hand washing looks cleaner. :)
    Loved the description: "I already know that he is headed for Starling Heights, a new birds-only development on MY front porch." I could see another story in that.
    Great story!

  11. Lovely post, and how annoying to have all those cheeping birds not to mention the poop bombs from above. I enjoyed your story and you drew me right into the lady's dilemma. Awesome!


  12. Beautifully written. I love the birds' chipping voice and I don't think I mind them building the nests ... maybe because I rarely spend time in my porch ... busy between work and stuff ... When I do, I seem to love their companies.
