
Sunday, April 1, 2012


(Be sure to comment, you could win $100!!)

I start reading Sykosa, and at first, I just think its this nice little book about this nice little Japanese-American girl sitting in class at this nice little school thinking about painting her fingernails. Seriously - that is how the book starts.

And, then... And, then author Justin Ordonez, starts dropping subtle hints that something is wrong. Something happened to Sykosa - but, what? This book really snuck up on me. Because during the time that I was reading it, I would find myself thinking about it when I was driving or doing other things. I would be mulling it over, trying to put the pieces together.

Puzzle Piece 1 (from page 11): " Last year. It’s hard to discuss, and like a lot of things that’re hard to discuss, it’s pretty much the root of every issue in her life."

Puzzle Piece 2 (from page 20): "...she thinks of all the scars that are on his right hand..."

Puzzle Piece 3 (from page 21): "...last year, she overheard a girl named Donna Harly crying about rape."

Ordonez masterfully drops just the right number of clues - enough to keep you hooked - but, not enough to let you figure out the mystery of what happened to Sykosa too soon! Meanwhile, he is also spinning a good coming-of-age story about a girl and her friends. Sex and drugs and family relationships are explored and explained in, what I think, is a really realistic manner. (However, this is NOT a book for minors.)

I liked this book! Once I got into it, it had depth and complicated characters, and that mysterious thread running through it.... What happened to Sykosa?!

a Rafflecopter giveaway As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Sykosa eBook edition is just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing this fantastic book at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $550 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of the book. All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win! To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copy of Sykosa for just 99 cents
  2. Fill-out the simple form on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
  4. BONUS: Leave a comment on this post*
Leave a comment, win $100: One random tour commenter will win a $100 Amazon gift card. Just leave a comment on this post, and you'll be entered to win. For a full list of participating blogs, check out the official tour page. You can enter on just my blog or on all of them. Get out there and network! About the book: YA fiction for the 18+ crowd. Sykosa is a sixteen-year-old girl trying to reclaim her identity after an act of violence shatters her life and the lives of her friends. Set at her best friend’s cottage, for what will be a weekend of unsupervised badness, Sykosa will have to finally confront the major players and issues from this event, as well as decide if she wants to lose her virginity to Tom, her first boyfriend, and the boy who saved her from danger. Get it on Amazon. About the author: Sykosa is Justin Ordoñez's life's work. He hopes to one day settle down with a nerdy, somewhat introverted woman and own 1 to 4 dogs. Visit Justin on his website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.


  1. It seems a very interesting book.

    1. Thanks for taking a look, Leovi!

    2. Leovi, sounds like you may be a fan! Don't live your entire life full of curiosity and wonder, visit and see if Sykosa is for you! ~_^

  2. I agree very interesting book!

    1. Hi, Kim! Glad you stopped by :)

    2. Kim, glad to hear it caught you interest! You can always stop by if you want to know more. If Sykosa starts talking to you, you'll know!

  3. Libby,

    Thanks so much for your review. The way you assembled some of the clues with puzzle pieces was really creative and it even got my blood going a bit! Sounds like you are a fan of Sykosa, so I welcome you to like Sykosa on facebook (, or search for Sykosa on GoodReads—that way you can keep up on all the relevant Sykosa information! The mystery aspect of the novel is one of my favorite parts of it and I promise you that they’re some really fun and unexpected plot twists (and I know this because they hit me like a ton of bricks while I was writing it!)

    Once again, thanks for your effort!

    (Sykosa thanks you, too. She was really quite flattered by your comments).


    1. Sykosa wants you to tell me what happens in the next book.

      jk! I appreciate you coming by(!) and I'm going to take your advice and go look around Facebook and GoodReads...IS the next book coming out pretty soon? (No pressure...)

  4. Haha great review, Libby. Love the enthusiastic follow-up in the comments. The puzzle graphics are so perfect, too! Somebody took notes while reading ;-)

    If you have a moment, would you please cross-post this review to Amazon and GoodReads? It'd be a big help to Justin (and Sykosa).

    Thank you for being a part of this tour!

    1. Oh sure, no problem...thanks for stopping by!

  5. Libby, you write such a great review. Even though this is not the type of book I'd normally read, I will definitely read this one! Thanks.

    1. Yea, its funny, because I don't think of this as my 'normal genre,' whatever than means... When I started this I was a bit skeptical, but I really got into it!

  6. I did not know you had a book blog until just now, did you know I did! I hope another way for us to keep in touch. I am intrigued by your fun review for this book, but will not enter the draw as I do not normally choose to read YA.

    1. No - that's funny - I have my photography friends and my book friends and that is usually two different groups; but now you are both(!)

      I usually do not read YA either (Because I am not a YA - I am more of a MAA - middle aged adult - haha!) But, I agreed to read this one for the book tour and surprised myself because I really got into it!

  7. What an awesome giveaway and the book sounds very interesting, but the ebook is an amazon and I have a nook! Thank you for the interview and the giveaway.

    1. Good luck on the far as the sure what the answer is. But, I will ask around :)

    2. Hey Jenny,

      Unfortunately, to take part in KDP Select, Amazon get exclusive privilege to the book for the first 90 days. It will eventually be on the Nook, as soon as it can be.

      If you'd like, there is a paperback version here:

      You can also read the first 40 pages on to make sure it's an investment you want to make.

  8. can't wait to read the book. Thanks for the suggestion. Be back shortly with my review

  9. A book that captures your imagination when you are doing other things. That's a good testement to the story.

    1. Heather - That is exactly what I thought... Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
