
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friday Book Beginnings - The Miracle at Speedy Motors

Hi! I thought it might be fun to try this Friday Meme hosted by Katy at It is called "Book Beginnings," and here is how it works (I borrowed this next paragraph from her blog:)

How to participate: Share the first line (or two) of the book you are currently reading on your blog or in the comments. Include the title and the author so we know what you're reading. Then, if you would like, let us know what your first impressions were based on that first line, and let us know if you liked or did not like the sentence. The link-up will be at A Few More Pages every Friday and will be open for the entire week.

There you have it...not too complicated! Well, I am reading BOTH "Les Miserables," by of course, Victor Hugo, and "The Miracle at Speedy Motors" by Alexander McCall Smith. I am plodding though Les Mis, and then when I need a break, I switch to Alexander McCall Smith.

So, without further ado, here is the first line of "The Miracle at Speedy Motors:"

The correct address of Precious Ramotswe, Botswana's foremost solver of problems - in the sense that this was where she could be found between eight in the morning and five in the afternoon, except when she was not there - was the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, c/o Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, Gaborone, Botswana.

Now, I get to tell you my impressions...and that is difficult, because this is not my first impression. This book is part of a series, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series...and I love it! The books in the series are pretty light. The main characters are really likable people. The setting is Botswana. I did not know much about Africa before starting this series, but I must confess that I thought the whole continent was an unhappy place. Not so! Smith was a law professor at the University of Botswana, and he knows the place. His prose transports you to Botswana and let's you relax there among the acacia trees.
I got this AMAZING picture from the blog of a fellow blogspotter who is a Peace Corp volunteer in Botswana(!) For more about her and Botswana, you can check out her blog:


  1. Ha I JUST commented on someone else's blog about how good (and how long) Les Miserable is. I got about 500 pages in a couple summers ago, but I fully intend to go back--SO amazing... And that picture is absolutely gorgous.

    1. Hi Susan! I am really into it...I started as part of a read-along that seems to be losing steam... I think the secret is to kind of read quickly through stuff like the Battle of Waterloo(!) and read slowly over the parts that actually have to do with the main plot(s) - LOL!

  2. I adore The No1 Ladies Detetive Agency books, and they really make me want to go to Botswana some day :-)

    1. Me too! I've never see the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency Show - have you? I think it is on HBO or one of those pd channels that I don't have!

  3. I read the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency books too. Great picture.

  4. I have one of the books in this series, but haven't read it yet. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. I haven't read any books in this series. Planning to read soon! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  6. I love that beginning, especially the "between eight in the morning and five in the afternoon, except when she was not there." Made me laugh. It sounds like a very interesting series. Also, I applaud you for reading Les Mis. I have started it but taken multiple breaks from it. I think I'll plan on finishing it over the summer, as school takes nearly all of my time these days. :) Happy reading!
