
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday

I am participating in Wondrous Words Wednesday over at Every week we get together and present the 'new to us' words we have come across in our reading!

I am reading a compendium of five P.G. Wodehouse novels (The 'Jeeves" books) in one giant book that I got from the library. This week's offerings are from this book.

Gyves - shackles (Our protagonist, Bertie, had a bit of trouble with the law.)

Coronet - This is actually a crown worn by a peer of the realm, but in more modern times it became a word used to describe the peer, himself, and not necessarily the actual crown.


  1. Heard of coronet, didn't know the crown meaning.

  2. Oh it has been so long since I spent time with P.G. Wodehouse. How nice to be reminded of Bertie again. Just a couple of words and you're making me desire a read-again.

  3. I've never read any Wodehouse, it always sounds so compelling when anyone mentions it. Interesting words as would be expected.

  4. Coronet is interesting - for some reason I thought it was a musical instrument. Great words today!
