
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekend Cooking - We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Post...

This week, I postponed the lovely post that I was GOING to share with you, because I found something REALLY funny - and it involves books and food!

I bring you...The Gallery of Regrettable Food!!

Here are a few excerpts. On the site that I am going to give you a link to, there are categories - many based on an old cookbook. Within the categories are pictures from that book and then the web administrator's rude little (funny!) remarks about the food, as follows:

There was an audible sigh of relief from the men when you brought this out. They had been told breakfast was part of brunch. They had seemed confused when nothing resembling breakfast was on the table. Then this! Sausages dipped in raw pancake batter. Now you’re talking, sister. Hey, this brunch thing’s lookin’ up . . . .

Ah, the life of a cosmopolitan. Late-night guests arriving at the SINFUL hour of ten PM, looking for food and drink. Not to worry - you're ready. You're dressed in a white tuxedo. Your wife has been preparing for just such an event by studying her Good Housekeeping Ten PM Cook Book, which spells out the precise means for pacifying groups according to their age and gender.

In the next few pages, you will be exposed to lurid, suggestive food imagery, so be warned. But that's what you have to expect when you're a night owl - when you're a Ten PM cook.

Slowly, the tiny alien approached the dish, hovering without a sound, ready to pounce.

The thing about meat is this: if you know it’s meat but you don’t know exactly what kind of meat, you’re still assured that it’s meat, and you know it’s meat.

No one knows what this is right away. Gradually, your eyes adjust, and think: peppers? Asparagus. With a coating of Lemon Pledge.

This post was written as part of Weekend Cooking over at Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, fabulous quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to head over to Beth Fish Reads, grab the button, and link up anytime over the weekend.  (The button is on your right...)

It’s a core sample from a geological age where VEGETABLES RULED THE EARTH.

When you have some time and need a laugh, go to the Gallery of Regrettable Food! You may not want to read the section called Meat Fisting because it is about the home slaughter of animals and there are pictures that may bother some people.


  1. OMG -- this is too funny. I've never heard of the site and I'm so glad you shared. I know how I'm going to spend my work breaks today.

    1. Oh good! I literally laughed until I couldn't catch my breath ;)

  2. What a riot! It's a lot of fun to look at those old pictures -- yes, what were they thinking? Looking forward to browsing more of the site. Thanks for finding it!

    1. Hope you like it, Jama! It was hard to just pick a few pictures to share here, because they are all so funny!

  3. LOL! I'll be spending some time at that site.

    1. :D Good! I was hoping you guys would like it!

  4. Sooo funny! Thanks for sharing!! And thank you also for informing us about the Beth's Weekend Cooking blog hop. Tyler-Rose and I will definitely have occasion to join in!

    1. Good on both things - glad you like the jokes, and glad you will be doing Weekend Cooking!

  5. Hilarious!!! The site is a hoot, never knew anything like it was out there until you shared. Thanks for the laughs this morning :)

    1. Hey Whirl! I like the little alien orchid thing - LOL!

  6. what a gem you've found! Excellent after a hard day...

    1. Well, we all need a laugh now and then ;)

  7. Oh my freaking goodness, this is HILARIOUS. I shall be forwarding that link to all of my friends. Amazing find! Thanks for the laughs!

    1. Thanks, Cecelia! Whoever writes the captions is great!

  8. What a hoot! Thank you for sharing this.

  9. That last one really got me, I am so not a fan of vegetables with my jello. I'm gagging just thinking about it. The runny pancakes actually are much more appealing. Heading off to check out that site. Loved the post :) Have a great weekend. Thanks for the laughs.

  10. LOL! I don't understand vegetables in jelly. I really don't!

    Fun post today!

    1. I think the guy running this website feels the same way - LOL!

  11. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my simple little dish. I don't use recipes that much other than one book I have which lists which ingredients go with what - which is often a good starting point.

  12. OMG, this is so funny! When vegetables ruled the Earth, fits perfectly. I am laughing so hard now.

  13. Too funny! Thanks for sharing that. Off to check out the site.

  14. That jello dish looks horrid, my mum used to make them.
