
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Anyone Here? And, notes on using books as a reward during Work From Home Lockdown...

I have not posted since 2013 when my grandbaby came to live with me.

He's eight now.

Are any of my old blog buddies still around?

I am trying to stay off social media as much as I can, although I am drawn to it because I want to stay informed. But, I am starting to get depressed by all the death.

I have plenty of urban planning reports to write, and I need to work on the bills and the house and the grandson's home-schooling.

Starting today I get 1 point worth $1 for every 1 work task or 10 house tasks that I do. I can spend it on books. I am looking for comfort books at this point. Cozies. I am going to re-read some of my childhood books, and collect them for the grandkids - I am up to 5 1/2 grandkids, by the way.

Did you read any Lois Lenski when you were a kid? (Not to be confused with Lois Lowry.) My favorites were Strawberry Girl and Judy's Journey - but, there are a ton of them.

If you're still out there, comment below please and I will visit your blog! Do you have any other Cozy book ideas?